United Taxis Darlington

01325 282855

01325 486060

01325 381999

01325 382022

United Taxis In Darlington

We can provide cars for all your personal transport needs including airport transfers, long distance journeys or shorter journeys in and around Darlington. All our taxis are maintained and cleaned to the highest of standards to ensure reliability and comfort during your journey.

Opening hours are: Sunday to Saturday 6am to 6pm

If you would like a taxi in the Darlington area, one of our friendly office staff will organise one for you. Please call us on any of our Darlington (01325) numbers, alternatively, download our United Taxis Darlington app on Google Play or Apple.

For the convenience of wheelchair users, we operate a wheelchair accessible vehicle on weekdays. For regular business and public sector users, you can request an account to simplfy your transport administration.

Our Taxi Services

Minibus & Coach Hire

For larger groups of passengers we have a choice of 14/16 seater coaches or 8 seater minibuses. These vehicles are ideal for days out, evening trips to parties, sport and social events. Also perfect for airport transfers email for prices and availablity.

Airport Transfers

We can arrange single or return trips to many airports including Teesside, Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester and more. United Taxis operate a number of vehicles up to 16 seaters. Please email us at unitedtaxis100@btconnect.com for a quotation.

Accessible Vehicle

Our modified car can be booked to provide a safe, comfortable and convenient journey for everyone. Apart from the wheelchair and the person who uses it, there is room for another passenger. Available during the daytime, Mondays to Fridays

Business Accounts

United Taxis operate accounts for many local businesses, large and small, as well as local authority accounts. Account customer bookings are given priority, ensuring a fast, efficient service for those who use our taxi services more frequently.

Our Drivers

We believe our drivers are among the best in the area.

All are highly professional, trained to a high standard and have passed the DSA Enhanced Driving Test. We also carry out DBS checks on each driver. We only recruit drivers who have proven that they are friendly and polite. All these factors ensure that you will have a safe and enjoyable journey when you use United Taxis.

To find out more about any of our taxi services, please email unitedtaxis100@btconnect.com